Pitman Training

Time Management

All our seminars are available on different dates and at a variety of locations.


This one-day seminar is perfect for anyone who needs to improve their planning and time management skills. It will give you practical tips to deal with your own or your manager’s working day. It will help you effectively plan and confidently prioritise your workload to ensure your own and your manager’s objectives are achieved.

Key topics covered include;

  • Learning different approaches to managing time
  • Taking an objective look at how you spend your time at work
  • How to prioritise effectively
  • How to establish short and long term goals to achieve results
  • How to delegate effectively
  • Identifying the difference between proactive and reactive working.


On completion of the seminar, you will get a Workbook with exercises and individual notes to ensure that the skills learnt on this course will be successfully applied and the knowledge consolidated.

Contact us today for further details on this seminar.

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At present, we don’t have a seminar scheduled on your selected subject. However, as our programme is constantly changing, there may well be one planned in the near future. We also offer a full range courses on many different subjects, which may suit your needs. Please call us to find out how we can help you get the skills you need.